Please leave a voice message; Heather is often in session and unable to answer calls. All correspondence will be returned within 1-2 business days.
Email: info@DenverHypnosis.net
Phone: (720) 208-6695
Please contact 720-208-6695 or info@DenverHypnosis.net for current pricing.
A $50 deposit is required for all new clients at the time of scheduling. The deposit will be credited toward the first appointment. To avoid a cancellation fee and get a full refund of your deposit, please cancel at least 48 hours before your appointment. You can cancel or reschedule through your confirmation email, by texting 720-208-6695, emailing info@DenverHypnosis.net, or calling our office at 720-208-6695.
1805 S. Bellaire Street, Suite 530
Denver, CO 80222
Take I-25 to Colorado Boulevard North. Go north one block and make a right at the first intersection (traffic light) on Mexico. Make a right (east) on Mexico and take the first right after the Best Buy shopping center onto S. Bellaire Street. My building is on the right hand side. My office is on the fifth floor, Suite 530. There is two hour street parking. There is also limited parking along the side of the building where the 2-hour parking signs are posted.